
A red brick driveway with a white garage door in the background. A brick walkway with a red brick wall. A brick patio with a wooden fence in the background. A brick driveway with a clock on it. A brick patio with a bench and potted plants. A brick driveway surrounded by potted plants. A fire hydrant sitting on the side of a brick road. A brick walkway leading to a brick house. A cat sitting on a brick walkway next to a building. A dog is standing on a brick patio. A black and white cat sitting on a brick floor. A dog is standing on a brick walkway. A brick driveway with a garage in the background. A brick driveway with a car parked in front of it. A black and white cat sitting on a brick patio. A brick walkway in front of a building. A black and white dog laying on top of a brick patio. A brick building with two planters on the side of it. A brick paved driveway with a wooden fence in the background. A black and white cat sitting on top of a brick walkway. A brick patio with a fire hydrant in the middle of it. A dog is standing on a brick walkway.
A set of stone steps leading to a brick building. A brick patio with steps leading up to a door. A patio with a brick patio and a patio with a sliding glass door. A brick patio with a fire hydrant in the middle of it. A backyard with a brick patio and landscaping. A close up of a stone walkway with a garage in the background. A set of steps leading up to a patio. A stone patio with a bench and trees in the background.